Additionally, we started trying out different models trained by various members of said Discord. Around this time, we discovered the GameUpscale Discord and began attempting to train our own ESRGAN models using the LoD backgrounds themselves as the training dataset. To give a little background: Initial testing for the project was done using Topaz AI Gigapixel, but further experimentation led us to transition to using ESRGAN instead, as its open nature means people are constantly improving its capabilities. And of course, we welcome help from any community members with an eye for the aesthetic and a willingness to learn and work with a team. Given the size of the undertaking, all focus is being placed first on the prerendered backgrounds. However, after months of off-and-on experimentation, the project has begun picking up speed. Progress has been a little slow to date, as everything so far has been done entirely by Black Castle Researchers Zychronix and theflyingzamboni. After seeing so much community interest in the possibility of improved visuals in Legend of Dragoon, we are excited to kick off the new year with an official announcement of our ongoing Legend of Dragoon Upscale Project! This project has actually been in the works on our community Discord server since last summer, when RetroArch introduced its WIP texture replacement feature.