left hand when the magic is mounted only on the right hand. Do not erase or convert 32-bit hkx files to 64-bit. This is a mod that made the difference between idle animations in combat and non-combat situations even when holding a weapon.

It has responsive dodge rolls, procedural leaning, grip changing, mid-air combat, striking with staffs, dual-wielding two-handed weapons, 1st & 3rd person weapon animations, and more. CGO adds several features and fixes to combat and movement. So if you're playing on Skyrim LE, use this to get your mods. The process is the same for Skyrim LE (Legendary Edition) & Skyrim SE (Special Edition), the only difference is the version of the mods that you're downloading (and SKSE, Skyrim Script Extender). Brotherhood in ghana Introduction to Modding Skyrim.